~ CJC 2001 ~
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© Morgan B. - The Official CJC2001 logo


If you want to sell something on the CJC2001, then please contact the Merchandcrat (Mr. Chok the Mad Wolf).

Juggling Equipment: Infinite Illusions will soon be coming out with a new line of Contact Juggling equipment, (as in balls, books and accessories) You ask, what can you put out there that we don't already have access to? Oh, believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised. I am still sworn to secrecy on an open forum such as this, (Illusions has competitors) but suffice it to say, that Greg from I.I. has been paying attention to Ian's experiments in the kitchen, he also calls me up and picks my brain once and a while for what the CJ community is looking for. Infinite Illusions will have more of the new line at CJC2001, as well as clubs, stage balls, Diablo's, yoyo's, devil sticks, fire staves, and the rest of the company's products. As I said, I am opening this up to all forms of object manipulation. So bring a desire to learn/share, and money for cool stuff.

Ball Stands, and general Memorabilia: Chok is working hard for me on this one, so let him know what you are looking for. Chok also carries a nice supply of mugs, and I suspect will be placing Morgan's logo on a few of them. Mugs are always nice to have. I usually get one from every Fair that I work, and this one won't be any different.
You will also find the official CJC T-shirt ($15.00)(Black with the CJC2001 logo at the back, surrounded by the names of the sponsors) at Chok's table, when you get on site. For those of you who are pre-ordering (read pre-pay for $12.00), be sure of the size you want, and Chok will have it waiting for you on your arrival. (for info on pre-ordering please read the registration page .)
There is also an option to order the T-shirt and we'll send it to your home address. Then just send $4.00 more to the mentioned per-ordering account (see registration page) and the T-shirt will arrive with priority (2-3 days) mail. That does sound a lot for Shipping and Handling, but you automacticly get a box with priority mail, where as we as a non-business would have to pay for the boxes, it would come out the same anyway. This only applies to orders inside the US. If you want it send outside the US then we don't know how much it would cost at this time, but if you need to then just drop us a mail and I'm sure something can be arranged.

Pouches: Now, I have to clear this up. The pouches that I carry my spheres in, are made and sold by "V.I.P. Leather" I have made pouches before, I just don't have the time any more, and this man does some quality craftsmanship, just ask Kae, or Marco. I know I have been asked, and e-mailed about these pouches a number of times, and people have taken to calling them "Ferret Pouches" They have even been advertised at Ren. Fairs as Ferret Pouches, (which I found quite flattering, that my name would carry enough weight to sell a product.) V.I.P. Leather will have their entire stock at this convention, as well as belts, and other leather goods, and I have been speaking with them about creating harnesses, and bags for carrying other forms of juggling equipment to keep your hands free. Three club baldric straps, diablo pouches, and such. This company does custom work as well so if you have a specific size request, or a design idea, talk to them while you're there. Due to the amount of requests for these things, Infinite Illusions is considering carrying some of these pouches under the Ferret name in the future, so keep your eyes open there as well, but you will not get a better deal for these, than off V.I.P.'s table, at this convention. Most are between $25.00 to $45.00, depending on size, and accents.

Buff'in Up Your Balls: Ron, a good friend, and a highly accomplished lapidary wizard, will be on hand with professional polishing equipment, to remove those nasty dings and scratches. Ron doesn't charge very much to do this, he just gambles on the fact that you will come back again, and again, cause you keep screw'in up on that one move and you frequently practice over concrete. Check him out.

The ceremonies for the contest winners will be held during Feast Saturday night, Kent Brush, a sculpture artist, and his Lady Kitty, will be presenting the trophies, and I understand that Kitty will be wearing something 'slinky' Yea! Kent and his partner, are also metal jewelry smiths and you would do well to check out their work. Kent is not only creating the trophies, but working on a jewelry line catering to the CJ'ers fancy. Some of this work, will be available at the convention.

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